Saturday, June 14, 2008


Healthy Lifestyles by Caleb

First and foremost it is important to consult with a health expert or dietician before you start any weight loss program. This is for several reasons, first to help you decide which diet is right for you, remember; a weight loss program that is beneficial for one person may not be suitable for another. This is due to the current health that you are in, as well age and bodyweight. Each personĂ¢€™s metabolism works at a different rate some people burn calories at a much higher rate than others. Do not worry every person has been given a unique body for reason. It is up to you to find that body through proper diet and exercise. Do not get discouraged, it takes time and effort and a lot of work to loose weight.

So what's the key for rapid weight loss? The key to successful weight loss is weight training, any high intensity cardio program, and a high protein diet lo carb diet. Not all carbs are bad though this is a big misconception brought on by Atkins fans. Carbs are essential for energy throughout the day.

Remember to stay away from fatty foods such as processed meals, fast food value meals, consume pasta and starches earlier in the day so you body has time to burn off excessive calories. Chicken, fish and egg whites are your new best friend, high in protein low in carbs.

Additionally what is important is that you maintain your weight after you loose it. Just imagine you never taking your car in for an oil change, it builds up and can eventually cause engine damage. Your body is the same way, take care of it, and give it the maintenance it requires.


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